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We pursue to create a better world

for all of our beloved pets 

through innovative technology & service.

Don't Worry, Dog Happy!

In a world much like ours, humans and their pets formed an extraordinary bond over time. It all started when our ancestors sought warmth and companionship in the wild and stumbled upon a curious creature with a wagging tail and eyes filled with boundless love - the birth of the pet companion. 

As centuries passed, dogs, in particular, became an inseparable part of human life. They weren't just pets, they were family. Their unwavering loyalty, affection and support made them indispensable. 

To bring more joy into the lives of our companions, it's essential to prioritize their physical and emotional needs. Providing stable routine and loving environment helps create a sense of security & contentment. Sometimes being away from our beloved canine friends due to work or other reason can ocassionally lead to feeling of distress. Yet, our fuffry friends never ceased to offer their playful woofs and tail-wagging jokes.

Inspiration struck, and we set out on a journey to accomplish this mission. Thus, Dogsplay was born - a revolutionary pet media box, dedicated to the well-being of our beloved canines, allowing us to reconnect anywhere, anytime. 

Our vision extended beyond dogs alone. We dreamt of a world where all pets, from mischiveous cats to chirping birds, could enjoy care tailored to their unique needs. A world where the love between humans and their pets remained unbreakable. enduring through all the joys and challenges life brings.

Our jouney continues as we strive to create a better world for our beloved pets, one innovative petsonalized solution at a time.

Don't Worry, Dog Happy!

現在と似たような世界でも、人間とペットは時間が経つにつれて特別な絆を築いてきました。 この全ては野性で温もりと絆を探していた人間の先祖たちが、尻尾を振りながら無限な愛で満ちた目をした好奇心旺盛な生命体を偶然見つけてペットとして飼うことによって始まりました。特に犬は数世紀に渡って人間の生活と切り離し難い存在となりました。



私たちは思い浮かんだインスピレーションを抱いて、この使命を達成するための旅に出ました。 愛する愛犬の幸せのためにいつ、どこでも接続することができる革新的なペットメディアボックス、Dogsplayはこうして生まれました

私たちのビジョンは孤独な愛犬を減らしていくことです。いたずら好きな猫から歌う鳥まで、全てのペットがそれぞれの個性に合わせたケアを受けられる世界を夢見ています。 人間とペット間の愛が続き、人生で感じる全ての喜びと困難を一緒に乗り越える世界を目指しています。

Sunny Wave Tech Co., Ltd. ㅣ CEO: キム・ハクソン


住所:蔚山広域市 蔚州郡 彦陽邑 ユニストギル50、106棟 405-1番地、106号

電話番号:+82-70-78790392 ㅣ FAX: +82-2-6101-1006 ㅣメールアドレス: